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Latihan Soal Online Teks Report (Report Text) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/ MTs Semester 2

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Salah satu bentuk teks yang diajarkan pada materi bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/ MTs adalah teks report. Teks report memberikan suatu gambaran tentang suatu hasil pengamatan terhadap sesuatu baik itu orang, benda, binatang, maupun tempat secara umum. Teks ini hampir mirip dengan bentuk teks descriptif, namun ada beberapa perbedaan yang terdapat dalam generic structure nya. 

Source Image : Pixabay

Pada teks report, participant cenderung general atau umum artinya data yang tersaji berupa suatu simpulan  umum baik itu dalam penggambaran karakteristik, ciri atau keberadaan dan keadaan participant. Adapun tujuan dari teks report adalah menmberikan suatu gambaran umum dari participant yang diulas. 

Generic structure dari teks report ini antara lain sebagai berikut, 
  • General classification, yaitu pernyataan umum mengenai subjek laporan, keterangan dan           klasifikasinya.
  • Description, menginformasikan tentang ciri- ciri umum dari subjek sebelumnya baik itu sifatnya, perilaku, tampilan fisik, fitur- fiturnya, kualitas dan sebagainya.
Teks report sering menggunakan unsur kebahasaan tertentu antara lain:
  • General noun, kata yang merujuk pada sesuatu secara umum, misalnya snakes are reptiles ( ular jenis apapun adalah golongan reptile)
  • Relational process, menggunakan kata kerja yang menggambarkan keadaan participant, dan atau mengisyaratkan kepemilikan. Misalnya Birds have wings,, A Giraffe is a tall animal.
  • Penggunaan simple present tense, penggunaan simple present tense dikarenakan teks ini menyatakan kebenaran umum atau fakta ilmiah.
Contoh text report


Beetles are among the most common insects in the world. In fact, scientists have found about 350,000 different species (kinds) of these strange and interesting creatures. 
Beetles come in many shapes, colors, and sizes. Some are round. Others are long and thin. Most are brown or black. Some beetles have bright, shiny bodies. Many have colored spots or stripes. Jewel beetles can be blue, black, green, or copper colored. Ladybird beetles, also called ladybugs, are orange with black dots.
Most beetles are smaller than your thumb. The world’s largest beetle is the giant longhorned beetle of South America. It can grow to more than 7 inches (18 centimeters) in length. The tiny feather-winged beetle of North America is one of the world’s smallest insects. It could fit on the head of a pin!
Some beetles have horns. Rhinoceros beetles have two big horns. Longhorned beetles have long, curving antennae, or feelers, that look like horns. Weevils are beetles with long, slender snouts. A beetle’s jaws are called mandibles. Some beetles, such as male stag beetles, have large, powerful mandibles that look like deer antlers.
Beetles, like all insects, have a body with three main parts: head, thorax, and abdomen. A beetle has antennae, eyes, and mouthparts on its head. It has six legs and two pairs of wings—front wings and hind wings—on its thorax. A beetle digests food in its abdomen.
Beetle wings are special. The front set of wings is hard. These wings are called elytra. The colors of a beetle are on its elytra. The hard elytra cover and protect the delicate hind wings. Beetles use only their hind wings for flight. To take off, a beetle spreads open its elytra and then unfolds its hind wings.
Beetles, like other insects, do not have bones. Instead, they have a hard covering called an exoskeleton on the outside of their bodies. The covering is like armor that protects their insides. The covering of a beetle is harder than the covering of most other insects. 
Some beetles that fall over on their hard backs have trouble standing up. They just lie helplessly on their backs waving their legs. One exception is the click beetle, which can jump into the air and land right side up. It makes a clicking sound during its jump.

Source : Microsoft Encarta 

Pada contoh diatas, terdapat bagian- bagian dalam report text yang menunjukkan bagian general classiffication, maupun description. Pada paragraf pertama, adalah bagian general classification, yang mendeskripsikan tentang beetles secara umum, diikuti oleh paragraf- paragraf setelahnya yang menjelaskan bagian deskripsi dari beetles tersebut.

Baik, setelah mencermati teori dan contoh tentang report text, selanjutnya adalah latihan soal. Pada report text, pertanyaan yang muncul secara umum adalah tentang tujuan teks, topik teks, pertanyaan infformasi tersurat dan tersirat.  Untuk lebih memahami, beberapa soal latihan online dibawah ini bisa dicoba,

Text 1 for number 1 - 4
The word tornado is from the Spanish word tronada, which means “thunderstorm”. It is a violent, dangerous, rotating column of air which is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulonimbus cloud. Cumulonimbus cloud is a type of cloud that is tall, dense, and involved in thunderstorms and other intense weather. It is a result of atmospheric instability.
Tornadoes come in many sizes but are typically in the form of a visible condensation funnel. It is a funnel-shaped cloud of condensed water droplets, associated with a rotating column of wind and extending form the base of a cloud. This funnel’s narrow end touches the earth and is often encircled by a cloud of debris and dust. Most tornadoes have wind speeds, between 64 km/h and 179 km/h.
Although tornadoes have been observed on every continent except Antarctica most occur in the United States. They also commonly occur in Southern Canada, South-Central and Eastern Asia, East Central South America.

1. What does the text mostly talk about?
The formation and the shape of tornado
The effect and the size of tornado
The cause and the danger of tornado
The kinds and the effect of tornado

2. Why does tornado happen? It happens when ....
come in different time
touch each other
meets in large places
leave after one another

3. What happens when the funnel‘s narrow end touches the earth?
Debris and dust will be vanished
It will bring debris and dust
It will destroy debris and dust
Debris and dust will be buried

4. Who probably writes the text?
A reporter
A scientist
A student
A historian

Text 2 for number 5-8
The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the morning glory family Convolvulaceae. Its large, starchy, sweet-tasting, tuberous roots are a root vegetable. The origin and domestication of sweet potato is thought to be in either Central America or South America. In Central America, sweet potatoes were domesticated at least 5,000 years ago. In South America, Peruvian sweet potato remnants dating as far back as 8,000 BC have been found.
The plant does not tolerate frost. It grows best at an average temperature of 240C, abundant sunshine, and warm nights. Annual rainfalls of 750-1,000 mm are considered most suitable, with a minimum of 500 mm in the growing season. The crop is sensitive to drought at the tuber stage 50-60 days after planting, and it is not tolerant to water-logging as it may cause tuber rots and reduce growth of storage roots if aeration is poor.
Besides simple starches, raw sweet potatoes are rich in complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and beta-carotene, while having moderate contents of other micronutrients, including vitamin B and manganese. When cooked by baking, small variable changes in micronutrient density occur to include a higher content of Vitamin C at 24% of the Daily Value per 100 g serving. The Center for Science in the Public Interest ranked the nutritional value of sweet potatoes as highest among several other foods.
In Indonesia, sweet potatoes are locally known as ubi jalar and are frequently fried with batter and served as snack with spicy condiments, along with other kinds of fritters such as fried bananas, tempeh, tahu, breadfruits, or cassava. In the mountainous regions of West Papua, sweet potatoes are the staple food among the natives there.
5. The origin of sweet potato is thought to be in …
Central America or Indonesia
Central or South America
Indonesia or West Papua
Peruvian or South America

6. What does the last paragraph mostly talk about?
the ways to cultivate sweet potato
the medical use of sweet potato
the culinary use of sweet potato
the origin of sweet potato

7."… and served as snack with spicy condiments, …"
The word condiments has similar meaning to ....
seasonings used to improve the taste of food
necessary components of something
mixture of flour and other ingredients
cold dish consisting of vegetables

8. It can be concluded from the text that ….
Water logging will increase the growth of sweet potatoes
Ripe sweet potato has more complex carbohydrates
Sweet potatoes will grow best in a cold environment
Sweet potatoes should be cultivated in warm areas

Text 3 for number 9 -10
Butterflies are some of the World’s most wondrous animals. Their beauty, seemingly miraculous metamorphosis, and apparently carefree flight all spark our imaginations.
As advanced insects, butterflies and moths have a “complete” life cycle. This means that there are four separate stages, each of which looks completely different and serves a different purpose in the life of the insect. They are eggs, caterpillars, chrysalises, and colourful butterflies.
Butterflies and moths are found on all continents except Antarctica, and scientists estimate that there are approximately 12-15,000 species of butterflies. In the United States and Canada, more than 750 species of butterflies have been recorded. Many species of a few kinds of butterflies are still being discovered.
There are still thousands of butterfly species that have not been found or described by scientists. There is much to be learned. Who are the next scientists?

9. The text mostly talks about …
the general classification of butterfly
the physical appearance of butterfly
the butterfly found in Antarctica
the life cycle of butterfly

10. Their beauty, seemingly miraculous metamorphosis, and apparently carefree flight all spark our imaginations. The word miraculous has similar meaning to ....

Text 4 for number 11 -14
Dolphins are very intelligent animals and they are benign to humans. This water mammals are able to fascinate us in many different ways. These mammals live in a group. They have been known to help humans in a variety of circumstances including rescue and fishing. There are 36 species of dolphins that have been found. 32 species are dolphins the sea is already well known by the people and 4 species are river dolphins. It’s very interesting to see and learn about the dolphin species Dolphins can be very entertaining. They can jump out of the water. Some of them can jump up to 30 feet in the air. The dolphins are grayish blue and their skin is very sensitive to human touch and other objects.
Although the dolphins have 100 teeth, they don’t use their teeth to eat. They use them to get fish then they swallow the fish. They can consume fish up to 15 kg per day. They always gather in a group to hunt fish.

11. What is the text about?
A general description of dolphins
A description of dolphin in specific
An explanation of dolphins’ habitat
An explanation of dolphins’ diet

12. The last paragraph talks about …
The physical look of dolphins
The diet of dolphins
The way dolphins use their teeth
How dolphins eat fish

13. The dolphins’ teeth … to get fish, not to chew the fish.
are used
are using

14. From the text, we know that …
there are 100 teeth of dolphins that are used in digesting their prey
dolphins are able to entertain human by jumping out of water
there are two kinds of dolphins, which are living in the sea and fresh water
dolphins prefer living solitarily to living an a group

Text 5 for number 15 -17
Camels are four-legged mammals with the ability to survive in a desert. According to the data, there are only three species left of camels in the world. They are: Dromedary Camels (one-humped camel), Bactrian Camels (two-humped camel) and Wild Bactrian Camel which has a very limited population. Only some place in the world are inhabited by camels, those places are: The Middle East, The Horn of Africa, Central Asia, Northwest China and Mongolia. Camels can provide a lot of things for humans, for example: they produce milk, we can eat their meat, we can use their hair for textiles, and we can also ride on them or use them as a courier to bring our belongings.
Camels legs are very long. It is recorded that the average height of a full-grown adult camel can reach 1.85 m, it could reach the height of 2.15 m if we add the size of the hump into it too. The “hump” is where they store the fat that can be changed into water to keep their body hydrated whenever food and water is scarce. It is located on top of their back. Their head resembles the head of a horse and their eyes is located on each side of the head. Their eyes are protected by the three eyelid and two rows of long lashes, which help them survive the blowing sand. They can also shut their nostrils when the sand storms are coming.
Most camels can live up to 50 years old. An adult camel can reach 1,000 kg of body weight. Even with this heavy body, they can still run at 65 km/h and sustain its speed at 40 km/h in a long-range run. They are herbivore, since most of them live in a desert so most of the time the consume desert plants as their main diet. Their color varies from cream, brown, black and tan.

15. What is the purpose of the text?
to describe the habitat of camels
to give general information about camels
to give specific information about camel
explain how camels survive in desert

16. From the first paragraph, we know that …
there are at least four species existing
camels are the only animals which are able to survive in desert
we can find camels in four regions of the world
the population of Wild Bactrian Camels is the smallest among the others

17. “Their head resembles the head of a horse …”
The word resembles is similar to …
is like

Text 5 for number 18 -20
Ants are small insects. Like all insects, ants have six legs. The smallest ants are 0.03 inch (0.7 millimeter) long. An ant’s body looks like it has a very thin waist. The narrow waist lets the ant bend when it goes around turns in underground tunnels. Male ants and young queen ants have wings. The workers of many species of ants have a stinger that they use to fight enemies.
An ant has a mouth with three parts. The most important mouthparts are its jaws. Ants can move them from side to side. They use their jaws for digging, carrying things, collecting food, building nests, fighting, and cutting. Ants use their lower jaws for chewing. They use their tongues to suck up liquids. Adult ants can swallow only liquid foods. Some ants chew solid foods until the food turns into a liquid. Most ants have two compound eyes. Compound eyes have many parts called lenses that help insects see well. Other ants have three simple eyes, with one lens in each. Some ants that live underground are blind. Ants do not have ears. But they can feel sound vibrations. Some ants communicate by drumming on the ground. They also communicate by touching each other with their antennae. Tasting, smelling, and touching are how ants find out what is around them. They have two thin antennae on their heads that help them do this. Each antenna is shaped like a human arm bent at the elbow. Ants tap the antennae on the ground to find food. They can even move their antennae around to smell. An ant is always moving its antennae every which way.
There are about 11,000 species of ants. Ants live in most places of the world. Army ants live in forests in Central and South America. Huge swarms of army ants hunt for insects or spiders. Driver ants are army ants that live in Africa.
Harvester ants live in deserts.

18. What is the text about?
The various species of ants
The special characteristics of ants
The evolution of ants
The description of ants

19.We know from the third paragraph that ….
Ants living underground use their compound eyes to see
Antennae helps ants to communicate with others
Ants tap their antennae to the other ants to find food
Ants hear sound around them by their ears

20. “Ants use their lower jaws for chewing
What is the synonym of chewing?

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