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Free Download Windows 10 Pro Official ISO File (32 Bit x86 & 64 Bit x64)

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Free Download Windows 10 Pro Official ISO File (32 Bit x86 & 64 Bit x64) - File ISO lengkap dan asli Windows 10 tersedia untuk mengunduh langsung dari server Linux berkecepatan tinggi kami. Anda hanya perlu sekali klik untuk mengunduh file ISO resmi pro Windows 10.

Ikuti tautan yang disediakan di bagian bawah halaman ini dan dapatkan file ISO Windows 10 terbaru secara gratis.

Kabar baik untuk semua pengguna Windows 7 & 8, sekarang Anda dapat meningkatkan ke Windows 10 tanpa pergi ke toko Windows Resmi. Dapatkan file ISO dari sini dan nikmati fitur paling canggih saat bepergian. Sebelum mendapatkan file ISO Windows 10 Pro, mari kita lihat tentang fitur baru yang diperbarui yang diperkenalkan di versi terbaru OS ini.

Features Of Windows 10 ISO:
1.Smart Start Menu.
2.Windows 10 browser: Microsoft Edge
3.Windows 10 Store and Universal Apps
4.Windows 10 Hello and security
5.Continuum Mode
6.Enhanced Search
7.Desktop Optimizations
9.Enhanced Snap View
10.Multiple Desktops
11.Microsoft Passport
12.Multimedia and gaming
13.Windows 10 Cortana
14.Windows 10 office
15.Windows 10 defender (anti-virus)

Windows 10 ISO Info:
License:                            Free Trial
ISO File Name:                Windows 10 ISO
Language Of ISO:            English
Developer:                        Microsoft INC
File Size:                           3.71 GB for 64 Bit & 2.8 GB for 32 Bit
Release Date:                    19 July 2015

Link Download Windows 10 Pro Official ISO File :
Download Windows 10 Pro ISO File (32 Bit x86)
Download Windows 10 Pro ISO File (64 Bit x64)

Password WinRar : Cuntorio

Key features of Windows 10 Professional 32 64 Bit ISO
Windows 10 Pro includes several new features and some significant changes in its programs

Start menu: Windows 10 Pro has borrowed new Start menu from Windows 7 and launched it with more advancement to showcase users live tiles in more convincing ways.

Tablet mode: Its new tablet mode has made Windows 10 Pro much easier than ever before. Users can easily operate it without the aid of a keyboard or a mouse.

Improved security: This advanced OS provides users with several new security features along with an integrated biometric system for user authentication.

Some more features:
1.Enhanced graphics
2.Cortana integration
3.Microsoft Edge
4.Xbox Live integration

Why upgrade to Windows 10 Pro:
3.Virtual Desktops
5.A Better Browser
6.Universal Apps
7.The Start Menu
9.Xbox App

Pros of windows 10 Pro:
1.The Start Menu with more advanced features
2.A significant improvement and up gradation of its previous versions (Windows 7 and Windows 8)
3.Unlike Windows 8, Windows 10 fixes the broken desktop experience
4.Cortana is highly useful and more powerful

Cons of windows 10 Pro:
1.Without a Microsoft account, users cannot enjoy Mail and Calendar apps
2.Windows 10 fails to ensure seamless Tablet experience

System requirements to install Windows 10 Professional 32 64 Bit ISO
Processor: 1 GHz or faster.
RAM: 1 GB (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
Hard disk: 16 GB.

Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver.

Download Windows 10

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